Senin, 22 Oktober 2007


NAMA DOSEN : Siyamta
NAMA SISWA : Agus Sutrisno
N I M :
INSTANSI : SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang
PROVIDER : Politeknik Negeri Malang

1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan LAN, WAN, Intranet, Internet?
2. Jelaskan fungsi dari Switch, Hub, Bridge, Router, dan Server?
3. Pelajari tentang bilangan Biner, Oktal, Hexadesimal?
1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan LAN, WAN, Intranet, Internet?
a. LAN (Local Area Network) adalah sebuah jaringan komputer yang meliputi atau mencakup area atau wilayah kecil yang dibatasi oleh kondisi geografis atau tempat seperti sebuah rumah, kantor, atau sekelompok bangunan gedung.
b. WAN (Wide Area Network) adalah adalah sebuah jaringan komputer yang meliputi dan mencakup wilayah yang luas (semua jaringan yang berkomunikasi antar metropolitan, regional, atau nasional).
c. Intranet adalah sebuah jaringan komputer yang bersifat privat dan menggunakan protokol internet, koneksitas jaringan dikususkan untuk keamanan dalam berbagi bagian berupa data dari sebuah organisasi yang memiliki informasi atau operasi antara para pekerja dan karyawannya. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa sebuah intranet dapat dipahami sebagai “sebuah versi lain dari internet yang bersifat privat”.
d. Internet adalah sejumlah besar jaringan dengan akses yang bersifat publik dan membentuk sebuah interkoneksi jaringan yang mentransfer data dengan menggunakan standar Internet Protokol (IP).
2. Jelaskan fungsi dari Switch, Hub, Bridge, Router, dan Server?
a. Switch adalah sebuah perangkan jaringan yang berfungsi menghubungkan bagian dari jaringan (network segment), switch hampir sama dengan hub, akan tetapi switch lebih canggih daripada hub. Switch mampu menginspeksi atau menganalisis data yang diterima, menentukan sumber dan tujuan dari paket data itu dan meneruskannya dengan tepat dan benar sesuai dengan tujuannya. Dengan hanya menghantarkan tiap data atau sebuah pesan hanya untuk tujuan tertentu pada perangkat tersambung yang dituju switch dapat meningkatkan performannya sehingga lebih baik daripada HUB.
b. HUB atau disebut juga concentrator adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menyambungkan atau menghubungkan sinyal data melalui banyak kabel UTP atau serat optik secara bersama-sama, membuat mereka bekerja dan beraksi bersama sebagai sebuah segmen tunggal. Hub bekerja pada Physical Layer (layer 1) dari sistem model OSI (Open System Interconnection), alat ini juga bentuk dari multiport repeater. Hub juga bertanggung jawab untuk meneruskan sinyal ke semua port dan dapat mendetekti adanya kolisi.
c. Bridge adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan jaringan komputer yang menggunakan metode packed-switch. Tidak seperti router, bridge tidak membutuhkan atau memerlukan penempatan alamat jaringan. Bridge bergantung pada broadcast untuk mangalokasikan dan mengidentifikasi sebuah piranti yang tidak diketahui. Sekali sebuah piranti tersebut telah diketahui, lokasi ini telah disimpan dalam tabel routing dimana MAC (Media Access Control) address disimpan bersama dengan IP address sehingga dapat digunakan untuk keperluan broadcasting berikutnya.
d. Router adalah sebuah alat yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan logical subnet yang terpisah, menentukan tujuan dari sebuah paket data yang diterima, memilih dan menentukan arah yang tepat untuk tujuan itu sesuai dengan alamat yang telah terdaftar dan tersimpan serta meneruskan paket data tersebut kepada piranti selanjutnya sesuai dengan tujuan. Sebuah router dalah sebuah komputer yang hardware dan softwarenya digunakan untuk tugas mengarahkan dan meneruskan sebuah paket data, biasanya sebuah router berisi suatu operating system kusus (IOS, JunOS, XOS) yang dirancang untuk fungsi tersebut.
e. Server adalah suatu aplikasi atau piranti yang berfungsi untuk melakukan tugas melayani klien yang terhubung sebagai bagian dari sebuah arsitektur client-server.
3. Pelajari tentang bilangan Biner, Oktal, Hexadesimal?
a. Bilangan biner disebut juga bilangan basis dua, yaitu bilangan yang terdiri atas dua digit angka yaitu 0 dan 1.
b. Bilangan octal yaitu bilangan yang terdiri atas 8 digit angka yaitu 0 sampai 7. Disebut juga bilangan basis 8.
c. Bilangan hexadesimal yaitu bilangan yang terdiri atas 16 digit angka yaitu 0 sampai 9 dan A sampai F. Disebut juga bilangan basis 16.

Diambil berbagai sumber (Wikipedia, Network Warrior, Dll)



NAMA DOSEN : Siyamta
NAMA SISWA : Agus Sutrisno
N I M :
INSTANSI : SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang
PROVIDER : Politeknik Negeri Malang

1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan LAN, WAN, Intranet, Internet?
2. Jelaskan fungsi dari Switch, Hub, Bridge, Router, dan Server?
3. Pelajari tentang bilangan Biner, Oktal, Hexadesimal?
1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan LAN, WAN, Intranet, Internet?
a. LAN (Local Area Network) adalah sebuah jaringan komputer yang meliputi atau mencakup area atau wilayah kecil yang dibatasi oleh kondisi geografis atau tempat seperti sebuah rumah, kantor, atau sekelompok bangunan gedung.
b. WAN (Wide Area Network) adalah adalah sebuah jaringan komputer yang meliputi dan mencakup wilayah yang luas (semua jaringan yang berkomunikasi antar metropolitan, regional, atau nasional).
c. Intranet adalah sebuah jaringan komputer yang bersifat privat dan menggunakan protokol internet, koneksitas jaringan dikususkan untuk keamanan dalam berbagi bagian berupa data dari sebuah organisasi yang memiliki informasi atau operasi antara para pekerja dan karyawannya. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa sebuah intranet dapat dipahami sebagai “sebuah versi lain dari internet yang bersifat privat”.
d. Internet adalah sejumlah besar jaringan dengan akses yang bersifat publik dan membentuk sebuah interkoneksi jaringan yang mentransfer data dengan menggunakan standar Internet Protokol (IP).
2. Jelaskan fungsi dari Switch, Hub, Bridge, Router, dan Server?
a. Switch adalah sebuah perangkan jaringan yang berfungsi menghubungkan bagian dari jaringan (network segment), switch hampir sama dengan hub, akan tetapi switch lebih canggih daripada hub. Switch mampu menginspeksi atau menganalisis data yang diterima, menentukan sumber dan tujuan dari paket data itu dan meneruskannya dengan tepat dan benar sesuai dengan tujuannya. Dengan hanya menghantarkan tiap data atau sebuah pesan hanya untuk tujuan tertentu pada perangkat tersambung yang dituju switch dapat meningkatkan performannya sehingga lebih baik daripada HUB.
b. HUB atau disebut juga concentrator adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menyambungkan atau menghubungkan sinyal data melalui banyak kabel UTP atau serat optik secara bersama-sama, membuat mereka bekerja dan beraksi bersama sebagai sebuah segmen tunggal. Hub bekerja pada Physical Layer (layer 1) dari sistem model OSI (Open System Interconnection), alat ini juga bentuk dari multiport repeater. Hub juga bertanggung jawab untuk meneruskan sinyal ke semua port dan dapat mendetekti adanya kolisi.
c. Bridge adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan jaringan komputer yang menggunakan metode packed-switch. Tidak seperti router, bridge tidak membutuhkan atau memerlukan penempatan alamat jaringan. Bridge bergantung pada broadcast untuk mangalokasikan dan mengidentifikasi sebuah piranti yang tidak diketahui. Sekali sebuah piranti tersebut telah diketahui, lokasi ini telah disimpan dalam tabel routing dimana MAC (Media Access Control) address disimpan bersama dengan IP address sehingga dapat digunakan untuk keperluan broadcasting berikutnya.
d. Router adalah sebuah alat yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan logical subnet yang terpisah, menentukan tujuan dari sebuah paket data yang diterima, memilih dan menentukan arah yang tepat untuk tujuan itu sesuai dengan alamat yang telah terdaftar dan tersimpan serta meneruskan paket data tersebut kepada piranti selanjutnya sesuai dengan tujuan. Sebuah router dalah sebuah komputer yang hardware dan softwarenya digunakan untuk tugas mengarahkan dan meneruskan sebuah paket data, biasanya sebuah router berisi suatu operating system kusus (IOS, JunOS, XOS) yang dirancang untuk fungsi tersebut.
e. Server adalah suatu aplikasi atau piranti yang berfungsi untuk melakukan tugas melayani klien yang terhubung sebagai bagian dari sebuah arsitektur client-server.
3. Pelajari tentang bilangan Biner, Oktal, Hexadesimal?
a. Bilangan biner disebut juga bilangan basis dua, yaitu bilangan yang terdiri atas dua digit angka yaitu 0 dan 1.
b. Bilangan octal yaitu bilangan yang terdiri atas 8 digit angka yaitu 0 sampai 7. Disebut juga bilangan basis 8.
c. Bilangan hexadesimal yaitu bilangan yang terdiri atas 16 digit angka yaitu 0 sampai 9 dan A sampai F. Disebut juga bilangan basis 16.

Diambil berbagai sumber (Wikipedia, Network Warrior, Dll)

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007

Bukanlah termasuk pendusta

Dari Ummu Kalsum binti Uqbah r.a. sesungguhnya ia mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Bukanlah termasuk pendusta orang yang mendamaikan manusia. Ditambah yang baik atau dikatakannya yang baik.’’ - Sahih Bukhari

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2007

PC-BSD 1.4 Released!

The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the availability of PC-BSD 1.4 (da Vinci edition)! This release is made available via the efforts of many developers and testers, who have spent the past months refining and improving upon the core PC-BSD experience. PC-BSD 1.4 retail editions are now available to be purchased via our store provided by, or it may be freely downloaded on the 1.4 download page.

This release of PC-BSD includes several notable highlights, including:

* Moving the FreeBSD base version to 6-STABLE
* Xorg 7.2
* KDE 3.5.7
* Compiz-Fusion 0.5.2
* Support for Flash7 in native BSD browsers. (Konq, Opera, Firefox)
* Official NVIDIA drivers to simplify activating Hardware acceleration.

Banner contest for the SpreadBSD campaign

Banner contest for the SpreadBSD campaign
iXsystems, the company funding the PC-BSD project is currently developing a community web site to promote FreeBSD and PC-BSD.


PC-BSD adalah sebuah sistem operasi gratis dengan tujuan kemudahan dalam penggunaan. Seperti halnya sistem operasi yang lain, anda dapat mendengarkan musik kesayangan, melihat film-film, bekerja dengan dokumen-dokumen kantor dan menginstall aplikasi-aplikasi favorit anda dengan mudah hanya sekali klik.

About PC-BSD
Simplicity, Security, Speed - Your desktop is ready!
PC-BSD Desktop Preview

PC-BSD is a complete desktop operating system, which has been designed with the "casual" computer user in mind. It offers the stability and security that only a BSD-based operating system can bring, while as the same time providing a comfortable user experience, allowing you to get the most out of your computing time. With PC-BSD you can spend less time working to fix viruses or spyware and instead have the computer work for you.

Installing the system is simply a matter of a few clicks and a few minutes for the installation process to finish. Hardware such as video, sound, network and other devices will be auto-detected and available at the first system startup. Home users will immediately feel comfortable with PC-BSD's desktop interface, with KDE 3.5 running under the hood. Software installation has also been designed to be as painless as possible, simply double-click and software will be installed.


* Fully functional desktop operating system, running FreeBSD 6-Stable® under the hood.
* Optional 3D desktop interface using Compiz-Fusion
* Graphical system installer, makes the system installation process effortless.
* Support for many native languages.
* Stability & Performance that only UNIX offers.
* Safe from Viruses and Spy-ware that plague other systems.
* Self-Installing software packages, makes loading programs a snap!
* Graphical tools for system administration and support.
* Professional E-mail and Phone Support from iXsystems available.
* Friendly and helpful support community.
* Online Update Manager - Downloads and installs updates for your operating system, without touching your installed programs.

Spread the word!
If you would like to promote PC-BSD, feel free to take a peek at our artwork page where you can download all kinds of artwork, banners and promotional material. Thanks for your support!

puasa sebanyak 6 hari pada bulan Syawal

Dari Abu Ayub katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Barangsiapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan kemudian dia berpuasa pula sebanyak 6 hari pada bulan Syawal, seolah-olah dia berpuasa sepanjang masa.’’ - Sahih Muslim

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2007

Tidak akan terjadi kiamat sehingga masa menjadi singkat

Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. berkata, Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Tidak akan terjadi kiamat sehingga masa menjadi singkat, maka setahun dirasakan seperti sebulan dan sebulan dirasakan seperti seminggu dan seminggu dirasakan seperti sehari dan sehari dirasakan seperti sejam, sejam dirasakan seperti satu petikan api.’’ - Riwayat Tirmidzi

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2007

Siapa yang bangun pada kedua malam dari Raya

Nabi s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Siapa yang bangun pada kedua malam dari Raya (Idulfitri dan Iduladha) dengan ikhlas karena Allah, maka tidak akan mati hatinya pada saat hati semua orang telah mati.’’ - Diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Majah dari Abu Umamah

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2007

Barangsiapa yang berwudhu pada hari Jum’at

Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata; Nabi s.a.w. bersabda, maksudnya; ‘‘Barangsiapa yang berwudhu pada hari Jum’at maka menyempurnakan wudhunya kemudian pergi ke masjid untuk Jum’at dan mendengar khutbah dan memperhatikannya, maka diampunkan baginya dosa-dosa yang terjadi antara Jum’at itu dengan Jum’at sebelumnya.’’ - Riwayat Muslim dan Ahmad

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

Ketika cinta memanggilmu

Ketika cinta memanggilmu maka dekatilah dia walau jalannya terjal berliku, jika cinta memelukmu maka dakaplah ia walau pedang di sela-sela sayapnya melukaimu. - Khalil Gibran

Better to remain silent

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2007

Tidak puasa sehari bulan Ramadhan

Nabi s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Barangsiapa yang tidak puasa sehari bulan Ramadhan tanpa uzur yang diizinkan Allah atau karena penyakit, maka tidak dapat dibayar dengan puasa sepanjang masa meskipun dilaksanakan.’’ - Riwayat Abu Dawud,Anasa’i,Attirmidzi,Albaihaqi Ibnu Majah & Ibnu Khuzaimah dari Abu Hurairah r.a.

Senin, 01 Oktober 2007

They should be religiously observed

Let me not be understood as saying that there are no bad laws, nor that grievances may not arise for the redress of which no legal provisions have been made. I mean to say no such thing. But I do mean to say that although bad laws, if they exist, should be repealed as soon as possible, still, while they continue in force, for the sake of example they should be religiously observed.
- Abraham Lincoln

The Expect to Contribute to the Classroom Learning Experience at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

These expect to contribute to the classroom learning experience at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy:
I. Exchange Experience
Wise men say that experience is the best teacher. From experience, we can learn many matters that are in the form of problem even until the way of solving it. With many changing over experiences with others will add our knowledge in face of problem and solved.
Experience and lesson is become the part of development of ability of human being in thinking exhaustively. From experience, we can earn to learn about implementation problems and good management to solving the problems. Experience is a process to obtain skill and knowledge possibly can change attitude or ability. Through study, ideally each every community insider has commitment to become better in the future.
Exchange experience together with a community is very importance and intrinsically various initiatives is learn to develop process or community-based learning study model with effective. From experiences conduct action program that was adaptive can obtain Iessons becoming especial reference in developing new action plan which more good to improve ability and yield better output. Collective action also become important in course of this study, where expected change can happened at broader scale and entangle various aspect especially development of study process aspect.
Through exchange experience in the classroom learning experience expect to various activity of study with experiences can be reflected and opened opportunity to all perpetrators to each other learning and changing over experience.
Exchange experience process also enable for participant to alli fact (in the form of lesson and experience) with the estimate of applying of passing development of action plan in the future, especially action plan to development of classroom learning experience community.
It is also important to development of communications media and information so that can quicken action set of plan that has designed pursuant to the experience in order to become professional policymakers.
II. Sharing Idea
Share idea through, case study, workshop, and lesson materials from the experience or exchange experience will assist to comprehend the core of problem, situation where policy will share, some newest recommendation and policies for change and altogether that only we will get from experiences. More experiences that we earn progressively there are also many Lessons which can take, so that will make us progressively wise in finishing problem and precisely in taking policy or decision.
III. Learning by Experience
To make policy effectively, we need to comprehend situation where policy will applied in society. This is not quickly and or easy to comprehend source had by society and access in various means, disability and strategy of solving the problem and way where policy can support society target with the best way. This understanding will come from society is receiver of service and policy. There are strategy or techniques, source of, and training to help to develop and build relation with the society. To get this understanding have to do learning by experience in the society. At the understanding of life of society, we can learn of society concerning experience of them at newest service and policy and collect their recommendation and opinion to a change. Policymakers often do not close to local society to support by policy that they make or form. Will there are some resistances at Language, cultural, social, and economics to communicate with society. Mechanism to share information quickly is stepping into society environment and comprehend situation of society where policy have to share, collecting opinion concerning newest recommendation and policy for change of society is receiver of service and policy.
IV. Experience-based Problem Solving
Every body has different experience and way of different solution. More experiences which we take we will faster in finding solution a problem pursuant to our own experience and or experience of others and the empirically we will be able to identify and finish problem swiftly and precisely.
"This better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt"
-Abraham Lincoln.

018.109 Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid."
Al-Qur'an, 018.109 (Al-Kahf [The Cave])

The Competencies that expect to gain from studying at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Some competencies that expect to gain from studying at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy:
I. Professional Policymakers
Giving service of public having the character of routine to the society, all services to society have to be given by professional, and unbiased (neutral), sincerity and fully meekly to method, practice of policy and practice that have come to regulation. In taking policy may not affect by pressure of selected faction in one business area to obtain; get special treatment in the field of other. All inventions of target and policy must documented correctly and do not be altered for the private interest or groups. Report of society have to express pickings which either from invention and applying of this policy. Professional opinion that obtained has to accommodate to make the basis in applying a policy of professional public.
All transaction and activities have to be documented and accurately and all book notes supported by documentation which released by involver with professionalism. All policies have to obtain as according to policy and government law.
Conflicts of interests have to avoid such as corruption, collusion, and nepotism. A conflict of interest is a situation where importance’s of society digress or differ from our own private interests or importance of relationships or from people with there is in business contact or personal contact. These situations have to avoid by because they earn to influence decision or assessment of policymakers. Following is conflict of interest situation example, which must avoid:
A. Give service to public where societies have indirect or direct importance.
B. Practice on person from opportunity of business for society or use estate property of people resources or people for personal intentions.
C. Accept, directly or indirectly, type advantage of any person which given with reason work with government, including also presents, except audience invitation (hospitality) which earn to be accepted by social.
D. Take a importance in running duty, except for duty for the sake of public to a storey level which it is true do not give influence which isn't it or do not create depended the in advisableness and bow to reporting this importance.
E. Hold a position or occupation or kinds of position by execute service to a client or relationships besides from within execution of duties for people.
F. Accept a work or position/occupation outside especial duty as policymakers.
G. Conduct business with family with an organization where you or one of your close relative has partner to employ a family member.
Empowerment to society to reach progress in better life and carrying out development in the middle of society is the responsibilities of professional policymakers. Target that wish to reached is to improve efficiency and effectiveness co-ordinate planning and compilation of policy, and synchronization execution of policy, operation of management and observation of execution of policy. formulated by this strategic target hence can be made by a policymakers to improve prosperity of People and can precisely know what which must be executed by government to realize the mission and vision of brief during considered resource, fund, facilities and basic facilities. These strategic target formulas also to watch and measure as far as attainment of vision, mission, and organizational performance have reached. Target which wish to be reached in coordination is prosperity development and to solving of poorness as soon as is form of efficient and effective coordination in the plan and compilation of policy, and synchronization execution of policy, operation of management and observation of execution of policy. In target of substances that must reach in coordination policy of development of prosperity of people and to solving of poorness, that is downhill amount of impecunious residents of people and fulfilled by elementary rights of impecunious society systematically, with indicator as follows:
A. Reduction of impecunious resident and decrease social difference in society for had better prosperity.
B. Decreasing of it difference development of countryside and reduction of Lameness development of region.
C. The increasing of human being quality which is mirror from fulfilled elementary rights of people.
D. The recovery of environment quality and management of going concern natural resources and continuation of environment function to safe the nature and culture.
E. The increasing of infrastructure support posed at with improvement of quality and amount various medium supporter of development for the agenda of improving prosperity of people.
Strategic target of public policy is integral part in course of strategic plan and is strong base to control and watch attainment of organizational performance.
Farther this strategic target expected can guarantee the success of attainment of long-range performance which in character totally. Thereby, if entire specified target can reach, hence expected by related or relevant strategic target have also earned to reach. Hereinafter, at each target specified by activity substances to conducted to reach target.
II. Solving The Problem With Right Policy
Can identify the problem then find the best solution is the responsibility of the professional policymakers. As according to function and duty becoming responsibility of policymakers hence conducted efforts for example is to facility, giving opportunity and chance, partner, forming of working team, advocacy, enableness so that well-held various activity in realizing planning coordination and compilation of policy, and also synchronization execution. Execution of such policy coordination reckon various potency, opportunity, weakness, and existing challenge and estimated will emerge in management of activity. Hereinafter, plan the policy in it have to include; cover vision, mission, target, and way of attainment.
Development of area prosperity of people and solving of poorness have strategic role in development of state and nation, because touching direct at various effort for the accomplishment of elementary rights of resident. Therefore, policy the carried out is to coordinated planning and compilation of policy and the synchronization execution of operation and policy of to policies as following:
A. Policy of accomplishment of elementary rights, that is to reach targets:
1. Fulfilled sufficiency of certifiable food and reached;
2. Fulfilled service of certifiable health;
3. The available of service of education of certifiable base and flatten;
4. Opening of opportunity of job and chance for better prosperity;
5. Fulfilled requirement of housing, sanity and healthy;
6. Opening of peaceful and clean amount of water required for impecunious society;
7. Opening of accessing impecunious society in exploiting of natural resources and awaked of quality of environment;
8. Well guaranteed and protected individual rights and communal rights of land, house, and human rights.
9. Implementation of democracy with conduct well guaranteed of feel safe from acting hardness and the increasing of impecunious society participation in decision-making.
B. Policy of development of region to support accomplishment of elementary rights, that is:
1. Acceleration of development of countryside;
2. Revitalizes development of urban;
3. Development of coastal area;
4. Acceleration of development of area that drop behind;
In relation to policy direction, activity taken is strive to all, violating and harmonizing well-balancedly among development components in area so that effort management of development earn more directional at target and its development.
Various such development component is technical institution which execute development; while development target and the target is people, society or resident as a whole and other institution which at the same time as perpetrator of development. Therefore, as for harmonization of direction, target, and acceleration of development meant to synchronize of target and immediately can enjoy by wide of society is to represent essence of function and duty of policymakers.
Entirety of the policy direction is hereinafter formulated into a number of activities substance, and in each; every activity, substance have in perspective equality for the purpose of, characteristic and target according to related instances each area. Thereby, activity substances are further formulation in attainment of target and target giving contribution for attainment of vision and organizational mission.
This is some interests that expect to gain from studying at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, with competencies mentioned above as professional policymakers, hopefully can make right policy to the public and solving the problem without generating new problem.

The Contribution to Project That Successful and Unsuccessful

The Contribution to a project that was successful:
I. Empowering Education
Empowering education by development Information Technology is very important project, because information technology is the basic element for the professional education. Information Technology is playing a bigger and bigger part in education. Increasingly sophisticated information networks are becoming accessible and IT will soon be possible for change variety of different device to communicate with each other and with their users. SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang is putting in place the infrastructure to build a network.
Internet access cooperating with INDONET as the Internet Service Provider (ISP), we need online access to connect to another school or government institution through Wide Area Network in Malang city.
II. Building Local Area Network Connection
Local Area Network (LAN) is one of the implementation of information technology. Equipped with the latest system such as wireless LAN, this progressive is leading efforts to incorporate information technology into education. The purpose of this particular class is to teach student about real-word social interactive by having them communicate via e-mail with their friends. The students are clearly enjoying the lesson, but they have to concentrate to use the keyboards to write their e-mail. The very nature of the internet allows direct access to connecting online to the outside world; this is especially useful for a subject such as social studies, where students learn about social relations outside the classroom.
III. Connecting Online
Information Technology applications have the potential for changing the face of education, but some notes that there are some issues: firstly, the teachers have widely varying levels of Information Technology skills. The second issue has to do with developing teaching methodologies that effectively incorporated Information Technology. Thirdly, there are the issues of security. To address these issues, the school offers teacher a training course aimed at improving Information Technology skills it also developing teaching methods that utilize Information Technology, for example by teaming regular teachers with Information Technology instructors and computer assistants that cooperating with “Widyaloka Informatika”. The school pays careful attention to security issues in order to assure that students not exposed to harmful website, and it encourages students to look after their own online safety by educating them about internet etiquette. The school’s Information Technology initiatives are part of the mission of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang that wants to developing skilled base on Information Technology. The future of Information Technology usage in education, the emphasis will shift from ‘learning about IT’ to ‘learning with IT’. The challenge is to link IT to the enhancement of students’ knowledge, and this may open many new possibilities.
The Contribution to a project that was unsuccessful:
Online Student Recruitment System
Recruitment of new student is activity of school routine. SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang tries to follow up online student recruitment system. System can accessed via website at, the benefits of this system are:
A. Objective, mean that Acceptance of New Student, ad for new student and move have to pursuant to public which have been specified;
B. Transparent, mean Acceptance of New Student have the character of opened and can know by society including student’s parent, to obviate possible deviations happened;
C. Accountable, mean Acceptance of New Student can be justified to the society, procedure and result;
D. Not discriminative, mean Acceptance of New Student in Malang City region without differentiating tribe, religion, race, and social status;
E. Competitive, mean Acceptance of New Student through selection pursuant to national test value;
Systems have very well, but because of degradation amount of new student, the project was unsuccessful.
From those experiences, the management is ability of us to manage and exploit something for specific-purpose. Anywhere we reside in will always deal with problems like two sides of the same coin and problems usually caused by the existence of conflicts, therefore we need a strategy, and good management to solving the problem, that strategy is conflict management. Conflict management meant by as an inwrought process (integrated) totally to specify a target in handling of conflict and specify ways to prevent and solved it.
A. Conflict management very related to vision, value system and strategy / organizational culture, applied conflict management will relate sliver third the mentioned.
B. Conflict management has the character of proactive and emphasize at the effort prevention addressed at seeking of solutions to each; every conflict that emerge.
C. Conflict management system have to have the character of totally (wide corporate) and remember all overall in organizations.
D. All action plans and program in conflict management system also will preventive and when needed handling. Thereby hence, all programs will include; cover education, other socialization program, and training.
Executing an elaborated thing above will reach harmonious relation so that every problem will earn to be known and finished as well as possible without generating new problem.


Salahlah bagi orang yang mengira bahwa cinta itu datang kerana pergaulan yang lama dan rayuan yang terus menerus. Cinta adalah tunas pesona jiwa, dan jika tunas ini tak tercipta dalam sesaat, ia takkan tercipta bertahun-tahun atau bahkan abad. - Khalil Gibran


Hidup adalah kegelapan jika tanpa hasrat dan keinginan. Dan semua hasrat -keinginan adalah buta, jika tidak disertai pengetahuan . Dan pengetahuan adalah hampa jika tidak diikuti pelajaran. Dan setiap pelajaran akan sia-sia jika tidak disertai cinta. - Khalil Gibran

Zakat Fitrah

‘‘Zakat fitrah itu sebagai penyucian bagi orang yang telah puasa dari kotoran dosa laghu dan rafats (kata-kata keji), juga sebagai makanan orang miskin maka siapa yang menunaikan sebelum sembahyang (Hari Raya) berarti itu zakat yang diterima dan siapa yang mengeluarkan sesudah sembahyang (Hari Raya) makanan itu dianggap sedekah biasa.’’ - Riwayat Addar Quthni & Albaihaqi dari Ibnu Abbas r.a.

Membaca Surah Yaasiin

Nabi s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Siapa yang membaca Surah Yassin dengan tulus ikhlas karena Allah, maka diampunkan baginya dosa-dosanya yang lalu, maka bacakanlah pada orang yang akan mati (atau bagi orang yang telah mati).’’ - Riwayat Al-Baihaqi dan Maq’il bin Yasar

Memberi Hutang

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Adalah seorang saudara memberi hutang kepada manusia maka apabila dia melihat orang itu dalam kesusahan dia berkata kepada khadamnya; ’’Maafkanlah orang itu, moga-moga Allah memberi maaf ke atas kita.‘‘ maka Allah memaafkannya.’’ - Riwayat Bukhari
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